Manage organisational customer service (BSBOPS505)
$600.00This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop strategies to manage organisational systems that ensure products and services are delivered and maintained to standards agreed by the organisation. The unit applies to individuals who supervise customer service provided by others within an organisation. At this level, individuals must exercise considerable discretion and judgement, using a range of problem solving and decision making strategies. No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication. -
Access resources and support to address foundation skills in vocational practice (TAELLN412)
$490.00This unit describes the skills and knowledge that vocational trainers and assessors need to access resources, which include collaboration with foundation skills specialists, in order to integrate foundation skills into a vocational training program. The unit applies to individuals who teach, train, assess and develop training and assessment resources. Competence in this unit does not indicate that a person is a qualified specialist adult language, literacy or numeracy practitioner. No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication. -
Manage business resources (BSBOPS501)
$1,000.00This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage resources according to planned business strategies. It includes analysing resource requirements, developing resource plans, allocating resources, and reviewing and reporting on resource usage. The unit applies to individuals with a role in allocating and monitoring the use of physical and/or human resources to meet defined business objectives. No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication. -
Lead the development of diverse workforces (BSBLDR521)
$600.00This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to lead the development of a diverse workforce. It covers supporting and engaging with a diverse workforce to maximise the benefit of diversity to the organisation. The unit applies to supervisors, team leaders, new and emerging managers who lead within a diverse workforce environment and exercise discretion and autonomy within a structured business context. No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.